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Adult Learners Essay

Adult Learners Essay

Q Overview of andragogy, including Malcolm Knowles’ five assumptions of adult learners. A rationale for applying andragogical principles when creating and delivering professional development. At least 3-5 best practices for creating and delivering effective presentations to adult learners. Examples of 2-3 professional, community, or technological resources to support analysis, reflection, and problem solving for adult learners. Explanation of how cultural, ethnic, and gender biases of presenter and audience can affect presentation effectiveness and strategies to reduce or eliminate bias.

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The andragogy theory was put forward by Knowles with the purpose of developing a framework related to adult learning. On a practical level, the whole idea of andragogy refers to providing instruction for adults in which there is more focus on process and less focus on the material which is being taught.. The five assumptions of adult learners are as follows- Self-concept, experience, readiness to learn, orientation to learning and motivation to learn. All these assumptions really express some common areas like in self- concept which says that with maturity a sense of self-direction comes and they stop being dependent. In most cases, the experience gained by the adults are thought to be valuable tools of learning for the future. There is a reason why these are called assumptions because in practicality it is not correct in most cases. (Houde, 2006).